Digital Series


@An Accelerator to A New Age Workplace Risk Assessment Health Safety and Design

Wednesday , 6 October 2021

5 pm - 7 pm


Prof. Dr. Jamal Hisham Hashim



Ar. Ahmad Farik Abd Ghaffar

Chairman, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia Southern Chapter (PAMSo)

The present COVID-19 pandemic has exposed several workplace risks that has been either overlooked or ignored in the past. Poor indoor environment and air quality in workplaces, homes and schools, as well as sick building syndrome have been highlighted by many local and overseas research.

However, they have never taken seriously as health threats until COVID-19 hit the world and made these indoor environment no longer safe for their inhabitants. Moving forward, a new normal and a paradigm shift is needed to make our indoor environment safer, healthier and more conducive not only for inhabitants, but also for occasional visitors and guests. These include offices, schools, restaurants, banks, theatres, gymnasiums and commercial centres and malls. Issues like building and indoor space design, ventilation and furnishing need to be reassessed and redesigned with new safety and health standards and requirements.

While we are in the process of making our buildings and indoor environment COVID-19 proof, we might as well also address other global environmental health issues confronting us like climate change and unsustainable development. There is without doubt that building architecture and interior space design coupled with smart building management system, will be at the forefront in addressing these global health issues and concerns. The speaker hopes to discuss issues related to COVID-19 transmission in workplaces, a COVID-19 risk assessment tool his team has developed and the potential use of DIGITIZATION and SMART SYSTEM in health risk assessment.

Thank You and we’ll be seeing you at the webinar

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